The logistical way to manage a fleet
Managing a fleet can be challenging – especially for fleet operators whose role also extends into different business disciplines, for example into HR, health and safety or facilities management.
Juggling the day-to-day fleet responsibilities of managing delivery times, maintenance costs and ensuring value for money alongside other priority business responsibilities can be incredibly time-consuming. On top of this, the drive to switch to more environmentally friendly solutions, processes and equipment adds further pressure.
Wanting to ensure it was getting the best out of its fleet to meet a wide range of business demands, Palletforce called on Volkswagen Financial Services Fleet to support.
The problem: Time-consuming fleet administration
As facilities manager, Palletforce’s fleet operator, Lee Murphy, has a wide range of business responsibilities. However, he found that much of his time was being absorbed with fleet admin tasks and wanted to explore a more efficient way of managing his fleet. He wanted better communication and a one-stop solution – with everything in one, easy to manage, place – with a single point of content to efficiently manage the whole fleet.
“We didn’t want to deal with the added administrative stress that comes with fleet management, having everything in one place cuts this out. ”
With the UK heading towards the 2030 ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans, Palletforce also wanted to begin its journey of shifting away from petrol and diesel-powered vehicles but was aware its workforce cover a lot of miles.
The solution: Cutting out the middle man
Palletforce knew that VWFS Fleet could deliver the cars it needed, but it wanted efficiency, strong communication and quick decision-making in order to get things moving.
Understanding the specialist needs of SME fleets, VWFS Fleet set up a dedicated team – offering an expert solution for fleet operators responsible for SME fleets, with simpler and streamlined processes. For Palletforce, this also meant a single point of contact – who understood the business inside and out, including its pain points and unique requirements – meaning they were able to better respond to queries and advise on the overall fleet strategy.
Additionally, Palletforce benefitted from VWFS Fleet’s master lease agreement, which means all its vehicles were under one contract, with minimal admin required for individual vehicles. This includes all necessary servicing, maintenance and repair plans, again reducing administrative input from the Palletforce team. With this, Palletforce can also pool mileage across all vehicles to reduce its overall fleet operating costs.

Palletforce was also looking to move away from petrol and diesel vehicles and begin its electric vehicle transition. Beginning that transition with plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) helped to overcome concerns over range and charging with Palletforce workers. Hybrid cars also offered a better Benefit-in-Kind (BIK) option than traditional combustion engine vehicles. Within two and a half months, VWFS Fleet switched out six petrol and diesel cars for hybrids, allowing for a gradual, strategic transition to a more sustainable fleet.
Palletforce has now grown its total fleet to 25 vehicles, which is still growing strong.
What’s next?: A more sustainable future
The future is looking bright, and sustainability continues to remain a priority, which is why Palletforce is looking to replace more of its fleet with hybrid and electric vehicles.

“The combination of VWFS Fleet’s experience with smaller fleets, and bespoke guidance of transitioning a fleet to hybrid, has certainly helped us to find a solution and vehicle choice that suits our team and our business’s budget. It’s so great to be able to make progress and slowly shift to a more sustainable fleet, not only at a pace that our team is comfortable with, but also in line with our wider business sustainability agenda.”
For support in transitioning to a more sustainable fleet – no matter the size of your existing fleet – get in touch with one of our expert team today.
If you have a specific question or would simply like to discuss your fleet requirements, please contact us.
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